Blew 60-day IRA rollover. Options?

E*TRADE screwed up the direct transfers of two small IRA accounts to my 401(k) account. Instead, they cut me two checks and generated a couple of 1099s. In trying to fix the paperwork, I have run out the 60- day clock.

I should be the poster child for a waiver. (I can demonstrate that I was trying to transfer the funds without ever touching them. I have the original checks uncashed and in hand. I am literally two days outside the window. My picture is in Rev. Proc. 2003-16 with the caption, "Should Get Waiver.") Unfortunately, a waiver is a PLR and would cost $500 (per account?). Since this is only about $18,000, the size of the accounts is sufficiently small that just the PLR filing fee(s) would chew up most of the 10% penalty savings.

As a practical matter, do I have any options aside from the PLR route?

Thanks for your attention.

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If you have documented evidence of an instruction improperly executed, I would hound the brokerage to "fix it". They _CAN_; getting an online firm of questionable reputation to do so may be a problem.

A poster child for why discount brokerages are so... :(

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BTW, you might get more traction if you were to report a complaint to the SEC and your State equivalent. And, of course, you need a formal complaint to them and the documentation that supports the contention the didn't do what they were instructed.

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