Help with SQL statement- Supplier List cost into cost field in Ite

Hi, I've a customer who has a number of items in their HQ database at zero cost. However, for these items there is a cost price detailed on the Supplier tab. Items carried only have one supplier. They'd like to get this cost copied into the cost price field on the General tab and because we're talking about a few thousand items, this isn't something they want to do by hand! I'm familiar to a point with SQL but because we're talking two seperate tables, I really wouldn't be sure where to start with the syntax. Could someone please point me in the right direction? Or if there's an easier way using Wizards etc, even better! Thanks!

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Hi Tara - backup your db first....

first run select * from supplierlist order by cost asc

-- this will show you the contents in the supplierlist table first listing items with zero cost (or the lowest cost) - fix zero cost entries first by editing item properties and setting the correct cost in the supplier tab

then run update item set item.cost = supplierlist.cost from item inner join supplierlist on = supplierlist.itemid

-- the inner join will only update items that are both in the item table and supplierlist table

to see items that are not in the supplier list table run select itemlookupcode, description from item where id not in (select itemid from supplierlist)

H> Hi, I've a customer who has a number of items in their HQ database at zero

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Hi, thanks for that- it worked perfectly. There is just one snag however and I didn't think of it until I was testing. Many of the suppliers use specific currencies so the information I need copied from the Supplier tab is actually the Local Cost. When I view the SupplierList table, Local Cost doesn't appear as a column. Is it just a calculation based on exchange rates for information or does it actually exist somewhere within the database? Your help once again would be much appreciated.


"c> Hi Tara - backup your db first....

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