Receipt Question..??

I noticed that my receipts show the "sub total", "taxes", and then "total". Can I also add a department transaction line there? I am sure it is possible but have no idea how to grap just the department I'm looking for. In Chicago we have a tax that is listed as a deposit department because it is by alcohol content % not a percentage. I wanted to add this line so people can see the total for tax (department) amount within their sale.

Thanks All!


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John K.
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Thanks Arik for the help. I did do exactly as you guys did and it does show the non inventory item as a tag along on the transaction line during a sale and on the receipt. I'm sure you also get those customers that want to know how much of your crv was for the total sales, even though they could just add up those lines. I'm sure they also double check to make sure we/you didn't tax them on that item also. So I just thought I would make the lives of my cashiers and managers easier by putting the department of this tax, your crv, on a line between the sales tax and sub total amounts.

I agree with you about the "tweaking until it works", I seem to be doing way too much of

I find it a challange to tweak the receipts, reports and htms to make them unique to our business and share them with others who might have the same kind of problems for their business. Thanks again for your help!


"arik" wrote:

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John K.

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