SQL-web item- with 1 more filter?

Hello, Thank you for the response. I'm going to ask if there is a way to filter it one more level. I did the SQL and it works great. The only issue when I run it...it appears to "touch" every item in my database (9000+ and growing). When I then want to upload this into my ecommerce site via Web Integrator...it reloads everything again over and over and not just the most recent items that were checked off. This is taking about 1 hour each time.

I noticed on the Inventory tab there is a "Date Created" field. I don't know what that field would be called on the back end but is there a way to run the SQL based on date created of current date.

Something like:

update item set webitem = 1 where datecreated = 5/17/2008 (or whatever the current date may be)

I'm just trying to check off items that were newly created on that date as opposed to going through the entire DB each time to touch every entry.

Thanks again! Shannon

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Hi there - it usually is the case that you don't want to do a complete update of the item table....anyway - first run a select query to show you the items that would be updated if they were created after the 17th of May this year.....

select itemlookupcode, description, datecreated from item where datecreated

change "17" to match whatever results make sense - but I think you may need an additional "where" constraint, as it might be that not all items created after a certain day should be "available to sell on web" - anyway, you can always go back and manually uncheck these if needed. If all your items are still currently flag as "1" then set them back to zero first

update item set webitem = 0

then run the update query based on the date that makes sense to you....

update item set webitem = 1 where datecreated > '05/17/08'

As always, its a good idea to back up your db before runn> Hello,

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NitroSell offers a tool called the Product Attribute Manager that allows you to use filters and sorts to work with subsets of inventory. RMS item values are exposed there for easy editing and making this sort of change to a large subset of items is very simple, even trivial. You can also use the PAM to create fields that don't exist in RMS and these fields can be rendered on the webstore, as well as in RMS reports, which is a great feature - particularly since the Description field is limited to 30 characters in RMS - the PAM allows you to create a larger field so that you are not hampered in effectively naming the products on the web store.

Regards, Todd

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