Banks calling you - they just dont get it do they?!?!?

It never ceases to amaze me how aggressive people can get when you refused to give them your phone number. Best I ever had (a few years back admittedly) was when I was having some problems with British Gas.

I called their call centre and they asked for my phone number.

Me - I'm ex-dir I said so you cannot have it.

Her - But I need it to confirm your identity.

Me - But you do not know my phone number so how can it confirm anything?

Her - Unless you give me your phone number I cannot talk to you.

Me - I think I had better speak to a supervisor.

At which point she put the phone down on me.

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Actually it was just one payment to one charity. And (someone will correct if I'm wrong) my understanding is that the prankster made no contact with the bank. He/she simply filled in a form provided by the charity, that did not require a signature. JC could easily have got his money back if he wanted to - in fact I would think the charity would be remiss if they hung on to it knowing the circumstances and without gaining his explicit permission.

Also bear in mind that the account number and sort code are hardly secret. If you give someone a cheque you've just revealed them. Not that cheques are much used nowadays, but you get my point I hope. Many businesses publish that information on their stationery, to make it easier for you to pay them.

So it was a perfect response to JC's bluster, but hardly a revelation.

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Mike Barnes

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