Amex, Visa, MC and Vital

In our store we are using the default Tender Type of "Credit Card" along with Vital as our processor & EDC, for Visa & MC. Now we've obtained an AMEX Merchant ID and are about to integrate it.

  1. Should we separate all 3 as Visa, MC & Amex?

  1. If I recall, the reason why I don't have a separate TT for each card now, is because whenever a card was swiped, the pop-up Tender screen would not automatically place the card info in the correct field. It would wait for us to select which type of Card was swiped (MC or Visa). Is this by design, or is there something we missed?

  2. Also, the main advantage to having separate TT's is for reporting within RMS correct?



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If Vital is going to act as the payment gateway for the Amex then you won't have to have a separate tender type.

However, if you want a breakdown of merchant cards then you may have to. Since RMS masks the credit card number now with v1.3 the only way I know how to tell what type of credit card is used is by having a separate tender type.

Previously I could easily write a query and filter out each type: If the credit card started with:

3 - American Express 4 - Visa 5 - Mastercard 6 - Discover

But, we can't see the first digit anymore.

As far as the swiping action, if you have (3) TTs, then you would have to put the cursor in the appropriate line, press the '+' key and then the CC dialog box will appear. You THEN swipe the card.

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Thank you!

Tr> If Vital is going to act as the payment gateway for the Amex then you

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