layaway and cashiers

Hi all, Please adavise on this scenario. I need a report that shows all the sales done by cashier which is standard. However, it is by understanding that even when a cashier establishes a layaway (layby in Australia) and then payments are made to the layaway over time, the final tendered payment is what is attributed to the cashier who tendered the payment. So even when John (original cashier) established the layaway for $2000.00 and Wendy 3 months later tenders the final $50, Wendi is the cashier for a $2000 sale and get s the credit from the store! How do I get an accurate cashier report that accounts for this skewing of the data? Any clues, enhancement, suggestions, upgrades, etc...?



Reply to
dan levin
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Below is a report that should show you the information you are looking for. Copy and paste the code into Notepad and save the file as 'Custom - Layaway Payment Report.qrp', make sure that Save file as type is set to All Files.


//--- Report Summary --- //

Begin ReportSummary ReportType = reporttypeOrders ReportTitle = "Layaway Payment Report" PageOrientation = pageorientationPortrait WordWrap = False ShowDateTimePicker = False OutLineMode = True Groups = 1 GroupDescription = "" DisplayLogo = True LogoFileName = "MyLogo.bmp" ProcedureCall = "" PreQuery1 = "" PreQuery2 = "" TablesQueried FROM [Order] WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN Customer WITH(NOLOCK) ON [Order].CustomerID = Customer.ID LEFT JOIN OrderHistory WITH(NOLOCK) ON [Order].ID = OrderHistory.OrderID LEFT JOIN Cashier WITH(NOLOCK) ON OrderHistory.CashierID = Cashier.ID LEFT JOIN TenderEntry WITH(NOLOCK) ON OrderHistory.ID TenderEntry.OrderHistoryID SelCriteria = "[Order].Type = 5" GroupBy = "" SortOrder = "" End ReportSummary

//--- Title Rows ---//

Begin TitleRow Text = "" Font = "Arial" FontBold = True FontSize = 16 Color = "Blue" End TitleRow

Begin TitleRow Text = "" Font = "Arial" FontBold = True FontSize = 12 Color = "Black" End TitleRow

Begin TitleRow Text = "Generated On " Font = "Arial" FontBold = True FontSize = 10 Color = "Black" End TitleRow

//--- Filters ---//

Begin Filter FieldName = "TenderEntry.Amount" FilterOp = reportfilteropGreater FilterLoLim = "0" FilterHilim = "0" FilterNegated = False FilterConnector = reportfilterbooleanconAND End Filter

//--- Columns ---//

Begin Column FieldName = "[Order].ID" DrillDownFieldName = "[Order].ID" DrillDownReportName = "Orders - Work Order (Detailed) Report.qrp" StoreIDFieldName = "" Title = "Work Order #" VBDataType = vbLong Formula = "" ColHidden = False ColNotDisplayable = False FilterDisabled = False ColWidth = 1825 GroupMethod = groupmethodNone ColFormat = "" ColAlignment = flexAlignLeftCenter End Column

Begin Column FieldName = "Status" DrillDownFieldName = "" DrillDownReportName = "" StoreIDFieldName = "" Title = "Status" VBDataType = vbString Formula = "CASE [Order].Closed WHEN 0 THEN 'Open' ELSE 'Closed' END" ColHidden = False ColNotDisplayable = False FilterDisabled = False ColWidth = 810 GroupMethod = groupmethodNone ColFormat = "" ColAlignment = flexAlignLeftCenter End Column

Begin Column FieldName = "[Order].Time" DrillDownFieldName = "" DrillDownReportName = "" StoreIDFieldName = "" Title = "Date" VBDataType = vbDate Formula = "" ColHidden = False ColNotDisplayable = False FilterDisabled = False ColWidth = 990 GroupMethod = groupmethodNone ColFormat = "ddddd" ColAlignment = flexAlignRightCenter End Column

Begin Column FieldName = "Customer.AccountNumber" DrillDownFieldName = "Customer.AccountNumber" DrillDownReportName = "" StoreIDFieldName = "" Title = "Cust. Acct. #" VBDataType = vbString Formula = "" ColHidden = False ColNotDisplayable = False FilterDisabled = False ColWidth = 1245 GroupMethod = groupmethodNone ColFormat = "" ColAlignment = flexAlignLeftCenter End Column

Begin Column FieldName = "CustomerName" DrillDownFieldName = "" DrillDownReportName = "" StoreIDFieldName = "" Title = "Customer Name" VBDataType = vbString Formula = "Customer.LastName + ', ' + Customer.FirstName" ColHidden = False ColNotDisplayable = False FilterDisabled = False ColWidth = 1905 GroupMethod = groupmethodNone ColFormat = "" ColAlignment = flexAlignLeftCenter End Column

Begin Column FieldName = "TenderEntry.Amount" DrillDownFieldName = "" DrillDownReportName = "" StoreIDFieldName = "" Title = "Payment Amount" VBDataType = vbCurrency Formula = "" ColHidden = False ColNotDisplayable = False FilterDisabled = False ColWidth = 1605 GroupMethod = groupmethodSum ColFormat = "" End Column

Begin Column FieldName = "TenderEntry.Description" DrillDownFieldName = "" DrillDownReportName = "" StoreIDFieldName = "" Title = "Tender" VBDataType = vbString Formula = "" ColHidden = False ColNotDisplayable = False FilterDisabled = False ColWidth = 1605 GroupMethod = groupmethodNone ColFormat = "" End Column

Begin Column FieldName = "[Order].ReferenceNumber" DrillDownFieldName = "" DrillDownReportName = "" StoreIDFieldName = "" Title = "Reference #" VBDataType = vbString Formula = "" ColHidden = True ColNotDisplayable = False FilterDisabled = False ColWidth = 1275 GroupMethod = groupmethodNone ColFormat = "" End Column

Begin Column FieldName = "[Order].Comment" DrillDownFieldName = "" DrillDownReportName = "" StoreIDFieldName = "" Title = "Comment" VBDataType = vbString Formula = "" ColHidden = True ColNotDisplayable = False FilterDisabled = False ColWidth = 1455 GroupMethod = groupmethodNone ColFormat = "" ColAlignment = flexAlignLeftCenter End Column

Begin Column FieldName = "Cashier.Name" DrillDownFieldName = "" DrillDownReportName = "" StoreIDFieldName = "" Title = "Cashier VBDataType = vbString Formula = "" ColHidden = False ColNotDisplayable = False FilterDisabled = False ColWidth = 1605 GroupMethod = groupmethodNone ColFormat = "" End Column

"dan lev> Hi all,

Reply to

It looks like you are using OE or another news reader, I have attached the report to this post.


begin 666 Custom - Layaway Payment Report.qrp M+R\M+2T@4F5P;W)T(%-U;6UA

Reply to

You might want to consider using Sales Reps to assign credit for the sale, even if you are not paying commission. You can set a different sales rep for each line item on a transaction, or set it for the entire transaction. The Sales Rep will follow the line item regardless of which cashier tenders the sale...

Reply to
Glenn Adams [MVP - Retail Mgmt]

Thanks Rob. I will give this report a go.

Reply to
dan levin

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