POS (Not RMS) Receipt Variable Sought

We want the Discount Description to display where the 40-col receipt currently only states "Discount".

What is the variable for a preset discount's description field?

Where can we find a comprehensive list of variables?

How can we see the full table schema of our POS database?


Mark Kalmus

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M Kalmus
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HI, There are couple way, the one way is to do so is that in the REceipt Properties (Database> Registers> Reciept Format) you can click on properties of the receipt and then say show Line Discounts to True. Below are the list of Transaction Variable Variable Description Entry.Comment Comment for the entry. Entry.Description Description of the item in the entry. Entry.ExtendedBasePrice Discounted price of all quantities of the item in the entry. This price does not include tax in VAT systems. Entry.ExtendedPrice Discounted price of all quantities of the item in the entry. This price includes tax in VAT systems. Entry.ExtendedPriceOnOrder Discounted price of all ordered quantities of the item in the transaction entry. Entry.ExtendedPricePurchased Discounted price of all purchased or picked up quantities of the item in the transaction entry. Entry.Tax Total sales taxes that apply to the transaction entry. Entry.FullPrice Non-discounted price of a single item in the transaction entry. Entry.ExtendedFullPrice Non-discounted price for all quantities of the item in the transaction entry. Entry.ExtendedFullPriceOnOrder Non-discounted price for all ordered quantities of the item in the transaction entry. Entry.ExtendedFullPricePurchased Non-discounted price for all purchased or picked up quantities of the item in the transaction entry. Entry.ExtendedExclsvPricePurchased Discounted price of all purchased or picked up quantities of the item in the transaction entry. In VAT systems, this returns the extended price of the entry, not including tax. Entry.Discount Discount applied to a single item in the transaction entry. Entry.DiscountPercentage Percentage of the discount applied to the transaction entry. Entry.ExtendedDiscount Total discount applied for all quantities of the item in the transaction entry. Entry.ExtendedDiscountOnOrder Total discount applied for all ordered quantities of the item in the transaction entry. Entry.ExtendedDiscountPurchased Total discount applied for all purchased or picked up quantities of the item in the transaction entry. Entry.DiscountNegative Negative of Entry.Discount. Entry.ExtendedDiscountNegative Negative of Entry.ExtendedDiscount. Entry.ExtendedDiscountOnOrderNegative Negative of Entry.ExtendedDiscountOnOrder. Entry.ExtendedDiscountPurchasedNegative Negative of Entry.ExtendedDiscountPurchased. Entry.PriceSource Internal use only. Entry.Price Discounted price for a single item in the transaction entry. Entry.Quantity Total quantity of the item in the transaction entry. For orders this quantity is the sum of the quantities of items received to date, items purchased, items picked up, and items on order. Entry.QuantityOnOrder Quantity of ordered items in the transaction entry. Entry.QuantityPurchased Quantity of purchased items in the transaction entry. Entry.QuantityRTD Quantity of items received to date in the transaction entry. This value is only used for orders. Entry.Taxable Boolean value that indicates whether the transaction entry is taxable. Entry.TaxRate Internal use only. Entry.Item.Binlocation Bin location of the item in the transaction entry. Entry.Item.Cost Price the store pays for a single item in the transaction entry. Entry.Item.Description Description of the item in the transaction entry. Entry.Item.ExtendedDescription Extended description of the item in the transaction entry. Entry.Item.FootStampable Boolean value that indicates whether the item can be paid for with food stamps. Note the misspelling. Entry.Item.ItemLookupcode Lookup code of the item in the transaction entry. Entry.Item.ItemType Type of the item in the transaction entry. This is one of the following values: ? itemtypeStandard (0) ? itemtypeSerialized (1) ? itemtypeMatrix (2) ? itemtypeKit (3) ? itemtypeLotMatrix (4) ? itemtypeGasoline (5) ? itemtypeWeighed (6) ? itemtypeNonInventory (7) ? itemtypeAssembly (8) ? itemtypeVoucher (9) Entry.Item.MessageAgeLimit Age used in age-limit messages for the item in the transaction entry, for example, "21" if the message text is "You must be

21 to buy this product." Entry.Item.MessageText Text of the message displayed for the item in the transaction entry. Entry.Item.MessageTitle Title of the message displayed for the item in the transaction entry. Entry.Item.NotDiscountable Boolean value that indicates whether a discount is not allowed for the item in the transaction entry. Entry.Item.Onsale Boolean value that indicates whether the item in the transaction entry is on sale. Entry.Item.Price Standard price of the item in the transaction entry. Entry.Item.PriceA Level A price for the item in the transaction entry. Entry.Item.PriceB Level B price for the item in the transaction entry. Entry.Item.PriceC Level C price for the item in the transaction entry. Entry.Item.PriceLowerBound Lowest price at which the item in the transaction entry can be sold. Entry.Item.PriceUpperBound Highest price at which the item in the transaction entry can be sold. Entry.Item.QuantityCommitted Quantity of the item in the transaction entry that is committed and cannot be sold. Entry.Item.QuantityOnHand Quantity of the item in the transaction entry currently in stock. Entry.Item.SaleEndDate Beginning date of the sale for the item in the transaction entry. Entry.Item.SaleStartDate End date of the sale for the item in the transaction entry. Entry.Item.SubDescription1 First field that contains additional information for the item in the transaction entry. Entry.Item.SubDescription2 Second field that contains additional information for the item in the transaction entry. Entry.Item.SubDescription3 Third field that contains additional information for the item in the transaction entry. Entry.Item.UnitOfMeasure Represents how the item in the transaction entry is counted or measured. Entry.Item.Weight Weight of the item in the transaction entry. Entry.Salesrep.FixedRate Fixed amount commission to be paid to the sales representative for the transaction entry. Entry.Salesrep.Name Name of the sales representative for the transaction entry. Entry.Salesrep.PercentOfProfit Percentage of the profit for the transaction entry owed to the sales representative as commission. Entry.Salesrep.PercentOfSale Percentage of the sale for the transaction entry owed to the sales representative as commission. Entry.Salesrep.Number ID number of the sales representative for the transaction entry. Entry.Serialized.Description Not implemented. Entry.Serialized.Number1 First serial number for the serialized item in the transaction entry. Entry.Serialized.Number2 Second serial number for the serialized item in the transaction entry. Entry.Serialized.Number3 Third serial number for the serialized item in the transaction entry. Entry.Serialized.Sold Boolean value that indicates whether the item with the serial number in the transaction entry has been sold. Entry.Serialized.SN1 Text "SN: ". Entry.Serialized.SN2 Text "SN: ". Entry.Serialized.SN3 Text "SN: ". Entry.ReasonTaxChange.Description Description of the reason the sales tax for the item in the transaction entry was modified, if applicable. Entry.ReasonDiscount.Description Description of the reason a discount was applied to the transaction entry, if applicable. Entry.ReasonReturn.Description Description of the reason the item in the transaction entry was returned, if applicable. Entry.ReasonTaxChange.Code Reason code that indicates the reason the sales tax for the item in the transaction entry was modified, if applicable. Entry.ReasonDiscount.Code Reason code that indicates the reason a discount was applied to the transaction entry, if applicable. Entry.ReasonReturn.Code Reason code that indicates the reason the item in the transaction entry was returned, if applicable. Entry.ReasonTaxChange.Type Type of the reason code. The following values are valid for all reason codes: ? reasoncodeNone ? reasoncodeReturnToMain ? reasoncodeReturnToOffline ? reasoncodeInventoryMainManualAdjust ? reasoncodeInventoryTransferMainToOffLineManual ? reasoncodeCustomerDiscount ? reasoncodeNoSale ? reasoncodeTaxChange ? reasoncodeAccountAdjustment Entry.ReasonDiscount.Type Entry.ReasonReturn.Type Entry.Item.Kit.Count Number of component items in the kit item for the transaction entry. Kititem.Quantity Quantity of the kit component that is included in a single kit. Kititem.Description Description of the kit component

Rate me Akber

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Akber Alwani


The Line Discounts is already set to true. What is displaying on the receipts is the word "Discount" under the Table Heading "Description". What we are seeking to do is to identify the type of preset discount that is applied to the sale (one of eight discrete discounts).

If I replace the text "Discount" in the receipt XML with the variable Entry.Discount, what is displayed is the monetary value of the discount. Using the variable Entry.Item displays the description of the item being discounted.

What is variable for the preset discount description (i.e., when I run a query on the PresetDiscount table, there is a column titled Description --- this is what we want to display on the receipt --- such as 10% Employee Discount).

Is there a one-stop list of variables? Because I don't see in the list you provided one that identifies a discount description. Is this the comprehensive list?

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M Kalmus

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