Run-time error '-2147217900 (80040e14)': Cannot truncate table

I just setup my offline database.

When I run Z report and the end of Z-report when its start synchorizing I am getting Following error

Run-time error '-2147217900 (80040e14)': Cannot truncate table 'Cashier' because it is being referenced by a Foreign KEY constraint. It has 'OK' in warning window. When you press OK Store Operation close down automatically.

Please help me solve this problem. I am using RMS 2.0 with windows XP Professional. I have unblocked ports 1433 and 1434. In already put a check mark in Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - Configuration Tools - SQL Server 2005 Surface Area Configuration - (at the bottom) Surface Area Configuration for Features - I put a check mark in enable openrowset and opendatasource support - apply - close.

offline db one more time, it should work.

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