Vb.net Appplication Integration with RMS qsRules

Hello everyone,

I have designed a VB.Net function as follows in order to post a transaction into RMS Via Qsrules (for a very critical project in our company)

The database connection executes ok The batch number is being generated ok I have verified the Inventory items are ok HOWEVER NO TRANSACTION IS GENERATED Where did I go wrong with my function?

Thanks in anticipation for your advice

Declaration: Private info as QSRules.ConnectionInfo = New QSRules.connectionInfoClass Private mySession as QSRules.SessionClass =New QSRules.SessionClass

Function PostTrans()

info.RegisterNumber = 1 info.Provider = "SQLOLEDB.1" info.UserID = "sa" info.Password = "" info.InitialCatalog = "RMSDatabase" info.DataSource = "RMSServer" info.ConnectTimeout = "30"

Dim result As Boolean = False

mySession.LogIn(1, "password")

If mySession.Database.OpenConnection(info, result) = False Then Return False End If

Dim isPos As Boolean = True Dim r As QSRules.StatusCategoryEnum = mySession.Build(1, isPos) ' isPos = Manager mySession.License.MarkAsRegistered() ' for license control..

Dim currentBatch As QSRules.Batch = mySession.Register.Batch

If Not currentBatch Is Nothing AndAlso currentBatch.BatchStatus CInt(QSRules.batchstatusEnum.batchstatusClosed) Then Dim zzBatch As Boolean = False Dim batchNumber As Integer = 0 currentBatch.MakeNewBatch(zzBatch, batchNumber)

End If MessageBox.Show(currentBatch.BatchNumber)

mySession.Transaction.SetTransactionType(transactiontypeEnum.transactiontypeSales) mySession.InitializeTransaction() mySession.Transaction.Entries.Add(7, "25000-010101", 1, 0, True,

12.99, "", "", False) Dim TotalAmountIn As Double = 1000 mySession.Transaction.Tenders(1).AmountIn = TotalAmountIn mySession.Transaction.Post(1, Now, False)

End Function

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