
I have to frequently change item because sometime they get discontinue or get replaced. So instead of making the item In-active and prevent the data base getting large. I change the Item code and all the necessary information on the item. Will this cause any problem in the future when creating sales item report on old items or whatever maybe. Is this good practice or Can anyone Suggest better? Thanks

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The sales data references the item via the ItemsID and even though you may change the ILC that does not get changed. This will definitely cause issues with creating sales item reports in the future because all RMS will see is the 1 item and the current ItemLookup Code not the previous ILC.

For creating new items try using the Copy function for like items that just need a few details changed.

Your best bet would be to make those items that are no longer needed In Active. If you find your database is getting too large there are ways to archive data. Check out some of the previous posts on all your options.


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