Password for Hotfix 1.3.1011

I am furious right now. I got the hotfix via an Dynamics Support incident, and decided this weekend was a good time to do my install, only to find out that the password is no good (expired?). So I got in today at 6am for nothing, and don't know what to do or who to call. I updated my incident, but I doubt they will respond quickly.

Anyone have a current password for this hotfix or a number I can call MS to get it?

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Check the email they sent you with the download link, they usually list current pass and future password. They also tell you that the passwords expire ;)

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You should have unzipped the hot fix when Microsoft first sent it to you. Read the email message that came with the hot fix link. The password expires in 7 days.

Why 6am on a Saturday? You can install most hot fixes in 5 minutes or less per PC. We installed our last one in the middle of the day on 6 PCs.

If your hot fix password expired, you'll need to request a new one. The same email message has a link to update your incident and request a new password.

Mark S.

"Jas> I am furious right now. I got the hotfix via an Dynamics Support

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Mark S

I just don't understand why it is password protected. If you can unzip it immediately and then use it indefinitely, there is no time based security anyway. It could theoretically be redistributed in unzipped format for years to come. They have to make it a pain in the a$$ just to irritate customers I guess - standard operating procedure for MS.

I have a LOT of computers at multiple locations...

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What's a pain in the a$$? Copy and paste the password as soon as you get it and you're done. I never really thought it was a big deal. Craig

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The problem is that it was unclear initially that I had to extract the hotfix immediately. I understand NOW that if I had unzipped the file immediately that there would be no issue. My question is what pupose does the password serve? It's a waste of time and an irritation if one should fail to extract the package immediately. Sometimes upgrading software is the lowest priority when you are trying to run a business. Why make it hard - there is no benefit to Microsoft. It just makes customers MAD!

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It's an extra layer of protection for files that reside on their servers. So you can't open it unless you're supposed to have it.

Obviously people can be creative and still open those files, but if you had to do that, you would most likely be in possession of said files illegally.

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