Printer Questions...

I am having several different issues with my it goes. Just to note I am using windows drivers on all printers. I tried and tried but I could not get the OPOS driver to work.

1-I have two Epson TM printers one is a IV the other IIIP. The TMIV works great. However when printing a credit card receipt it will not cut it beteween the two receipts. Very inconvenient. It is using the same template as my TMIV printer. Any Ideas?...maybe anyway to pause it so I can tear it off then let the next receipt print.

2-I have seen some entries on how to get the check number on receipts but none are thorough enough for me to understand. Something about tender.serial. Any help on this would be great.

3-Finally, I am using two full size Epson 570 printers for invoices on account. They just crawl when printing. The things that slow it down are the logo (which I know how to remove) and the shading area on the receipt. I can take of this shading but then the numbers all blend. Is there a way to replace the shading with underlining? Any other Ideas on how to speed it up?

Thanks to all those who are always willing to help.

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Hi G.E.,

Most of our clients use OPOS drivers with Epson. They are fast and work great.


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Mihir Shah

Thanks...I had my computer people here and we couldn't get anything but the windows drivers to work.

Any other ideas on any of the questions.

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