Transaction Detail


Is there a report that will report all line item detail by transaction? Also, I need to be able to select the transactions by date.


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Save this code as "Custom - Daily Ticket History" and see if it does the job.

There is a specific date range filter saved in this code; you can set whatever date range you want to use when you run the report.

Aloha, Miles

Pacific Computer Systems Miles Baidack

Supporting Business Since 1985 Phone: (808)395-8156 or (808)277-8156

//--- Report Summary --- //

Begin ReportSummary ReportType = reporttypeSales ReportTitle = "Daily Ticket History" PageOrientation = pageorientationPortrait WordWrap = False ShowDateTimePicker = False OutLineMode = True Groups = 1 GroupDescription = "" DisplayLogo = True LogoFileName = "MyLogo.bmp" ProcedureCall = "" PreQuery1 = "" PreQuery2 = "" TablesQueried = "FROM TransactionEntry WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN [Transaction] WITH(NOLOCK) ON TransactionEntry.TransactionNumber [Transaction].TransactionNumber LEFT JOIN Item WITH(NOLOCK) ON TransactionEntry.ItemID = Item.ID LEFT JOIN Department WITH(NOLOCK) ON Item.DepartmentID = Department.ID LEFT JOIN Category WITH(NOLOCK) ON Item.CategoryID = Category.ID " SelCriteria = "" GroupBy = "" SortOrder = "" End ReportSummary

//--- Title Rows ---//

Begin TitleRow Text = "" Font = "Arial" FontBold = True FontSize = 16 Color = "Blue" End TitleRow

Begin TitleRow Text = "" Font = "Arial" FontBold = True FontSize = 12 Color = "Black" End TitleRow

Begin TitleRow Text = "Generated On " Font = "Arial" FontBold = True FontSize = 10 Color = "Black" End TitleRow

Begin TitleRow Text = "(c)2009 Pacific Computer Systems, Honolulu, Hawaii (808)395-8156" Font = "Arial" FontBold = False FontSize = 8 Color = "Black" End TitleRow

//--- Filters ---//

Begin Filter FieldName = "[Transaction].Time" FilterOp = reportfilteropBetween FilterLoLim = "7/5/2002" FilterHilim = "7/5/2002" FilterNegated = False FilterConnector = reportfilterbooleanconAND End Filter

//--- Columns ---//

Begin Column FieldName = "[Transaction].TransactionNumber" DrillDownFieldName = "[Transaction].TransactionNumber" DrillDownReportName = "" StoreIDFieldName = "" Title = "Trx #" VBDataType = vbLong Formula = "" ColHidden = False ColNotDisplayable = False FilterDisabled = False ColWidth = 930 GroupMethod = groupmethodNone ColFormat = "#" End Column

Begin Column FieldName = "[Transaction].Time" DrillDownFieldName = "" DrillDownReportName = "" StoreIDFieldName = "" Title = "Date" VBDataType = vbDate Formula = "" ColHidden = True ColNotDisplayable = False FilterDisabled = False ColWidth = 930 GroupMethod = groupmethodNone ColFormat = "" End Column

Begin Column FieldName = "TransactionEntry.Quantity" DrillDownFieldName = "" DrillDownReportName = "" StoreIDFieldName = "" Title = "Qty" VBDataType = vbDouble Formula = "" ColHidden = False ColNotDisplayable = False FilterDisabled = False ColWidth = 540 GroupMethod = groupmethodSum ColFormat = "#" End Column

Begin Column FieldName = "Item.ItemLookupCode" DrillDownFieldName = "Item.ItemLookupCode" DrillDownReportName = "" StoreIDFieldName = "" Title = "Item Code" VBDataType = vbString Formula = "" ColHidden = False ColNotDisplayable = False FilterDisabled = False ColWidth = 1280 GroupMethod = groupmethodNone ColFormat = "" End Column

Begin Column FieldName = "Item.Description" DrillDownFieldName = "" DrillDownReportName = "" StoreIDFieldName = "" Title = "Description" VBDataType = vbString Formula = "" ColHidden = False ColNotDisplayable = False FilterDisabled = False ColWidth = 1960 GroupMethod = groupmethodNone ColFormat = "" End Column

Begin Column FieldName = "PriceItem" DrillDownFieldName = "" DrillDownReportName = "" StoreIDFieldName = "" Title = "Price" VBDataType = vbCurrency Formula = "TransactionEntry.Price" ColHidden = False ColNotDisplayable = False FilterDisabled = False ColWidth = 800 GroupMethod = groupmethodNone ColFormat = "" End Column

Begin Column FieldName = "SalesEx" DrillDownFieldName = "" DrillDownReportName = "" StoreIDFieldName = "" Title = "Total Price" VBDataType = vbCurrency Formula = "(TransactionEntry.Price * TransactionEntry.Quantity) ColHidden = False ColNotDisplayable = False FilterDisabled = False ColWidth = 1040 GroupMethod = groupmethodSum ColFormat = "" End Column

Begin Column FieldName = "SalesTax" DrillDownFieldName = "" DrillDownReportName = "" StoreIDFieldName = "" Title = "Sales Tax" VBDataType = vbCurrency Formula = "TransactionEntry.SalesTax" ColHidden = False ColNotDisplayable = False FilterDisabled = False ColWidth = 1140 GroupMethod = groupmethodSum ColFormat = "" End Column

Begin Column FieldName = "Sales" DrillDownFieldName = "" DrillDownReportName = "" StoreIDFieldName = "" Title = "Ticket Total" VBDataType = vbCurrency Formula = "(TransactionEntry.Price * TransactionEntry.Quantity) + TransactionEntry.SalesTax" ColHidden = False ColNotDisplayable = False FilterDisabled = False ColWidth = 1140 GroupMethod = groupmethodSum ColFormat = "" End Column

Begin Column FieldName = "Cost" DrillDownFieldName = "" DrillDownReportName = "" StoreIDFieldName = "" Title = "Cost" VBDataType = vbCurrency Formula = "TransactionEntry.Cost * TransactionEntry.Quantity" ColHidden = False ColNotDisplayable = False FilterDisabled = False ColWidth = 1040 GroupMethod = groupmethodSum ColFormat = "" End Column

Begin Column FieldName = "Profit" DrillDownFieldName = "" DrillDownReportName = "" StoreIDFieldName = "" Title = "Profit" VBDataType = vbCurrency Formula = "(TransactionEntry.Price * TransactionEntry.Quantity) - (TransactionEntry.Cost * TransactionEntry.Quantity)" // Formula = "(TransactionEntry.Price * TransactionEntry.Quantity) - (TransactionEntry.Cost * TransactionEntry.Quantity) - TransactionEntry.SalesTax" ColHidden = False ColNotDisplayable = False FilterDisabled = False ColWidth = 1040 GroupMethod = groupmethodSum ColFormat = "" End Column

"Randy" wrote:

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Miles B

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