Quigken 2010 & Windows 7

Just got Q 2010 and installed on new pc windows 7 home (64). Installation went smooth and have been adding check and credit card info. When closing it asks if I want to back up and I say yes. I now have 3 panels on desktop that when I open it says "Restore from backup file". Then it has a box "Location to Restore" Choose a location to save your restored file that is blank with a Browse box to click. I click the Browse box and I get a panel which shows a BACKUP folder on a line and underneath My name Quicken Data.Down below it has space for me entering a File name. I'm lost!! I'd like to use a Flash Drive for backup. Should I keep my Flash Drive in my USB port all the time? You might say I'm confused having the 3 panels on my desktop and wondering if I can delete them? Help certainly appreciated..

Reply to
Sam Spade
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Hi, Sam.

We veterans of Quicken understand your confusion. Quicken's backup system is really quite good, but can be confusing at first encounter.

Quicken uses THREE kinds of backup. In Quicken, click Edit | Preferences | Quicken Preferences | Backup to see and change the following settings.

  1. Automatic backup. This always goes to the BACKUP (yes, ALL CAPS) subfolder under the folder that holds your working Quicken DATA file. (I changed my file location so many years ago that I don't know what the default location is; I THINK it is in a subfolder of: C:\Users\AppData\Roaming\Intuit\Quicken. Other users here should be able to tell you for sure.) You can change this location, but the default is fine for most of us. Earlier Quickens did this automatic backup weekly; Quicken 2010 does it every "X" times you exit Quicken. The default is to "Back up after running Quicken _5_ times", but you can change the "X" to any number from 1 to 99. You can also change the number of such automatic backups from the default 5 copies to as many as 99. When you first look into the BACKUP folder, it will be empty, of course, but after a month's use it should have several backup files.

  1. Manual backups. You can choose to backup your Quicken data file at any time; just press +B or click File | Backup and Restore | Back Up Quicken File. Pay close attention to this Quicken Backup window, especially the first time you use it, because it doesn't say what many users expect it to say. The top section simply shows the name of your current working file (QDATA.QDF, by default, but you may have changed it). It proposes to name your manual backup file to QDATA.QDF.backup, and offers you the option to "Add date to backup file name". (Many users like this option; I do not; the choice is yours.) And then comes the critical part: YOU specify the destination for your manual backups. (This is NOT the same as the automatic backups in 1, above.) Previous Quickens asked us for the name of the FOLDER where the .qdf file would be stored; Q2010 asks for the file NAME as well. This destination can be another folder on your main HDD, or on another HDD, or on a USB flash drive or CD/DVD or SD card, or even on a network drive - just about any destination that you can choose with Windows Explorer. There are many debates here as to the best such location, but we generally agree that it should NOT be in the same folder or even the same volume as your automatic backups. It's best if it can be physically stored away from your computer, like CD disk in a bank vault. You asked, "Should I keep my Flash Drive in my USB port all the time?"; I'd say not unless you also have ANOTHER flash drive stored safely somewhere else. And, of course, there's no rule against having 2 or 200 backups, just in case.

  2. Reminded backups. Actually, this is the same as 2, above. But if you forget to backup for too long, Quicken can remind you to make a manual backup. This is the 3rd box on the Backup preferences screen. The default is every 3rd time you exit Quicken without manually backing up, but the number can be as small as 1 - so that you are reminded as you exit every Quicken session - or as large as 99.

I'm not sure what you mean by "3 panels on desktop", Sam. If you have further questions, just ask.


Reply to
R. C. White

Thank's RC for the information.

Reply to
Sam Spade

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