Bug? Transfer Out Serialized Item allows SN creation

We're trying to track down a serialized item that has had an *ahem* interesting item movement history.

In the process, I've learned something quite disturbing.

You can transfer out a serialized item when the serial number is not in your inventory in the first place!

This should not be possible.

While I'm at it, inter-store transfers in an HQ environment should not require serial number entry on the receiving end. The serial numbers should come through with the transfer order.


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Terrible Tom
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The transfer of SN that ou do not have in yor database is not necesarily wrong as teh SN may never have been enterred in. The transfer out you are correct huld take teh SN to the reieving store. This is a known issue. W have an add-on as part of the store and HQ Utility that allows the transfer of SN and reciev eof the SN at the destinaton store.

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