How to store masked card number with custom masking rules in RMS DB?


I have a hook-in that does debit card transaction. I want to store the masked debit card number to the RMS database. It seems like the masked numbers are stored in the "TransactionEntry" table's "CreditCardNumber" column.

So I have used the Tender object (Session.Transaction.Tenders) associated with my Session to store the masked Debit card number. I set it like this...

objTender.AccountNumber = maskedDebitCardNumber

But in the database it's only showing the last 4 digits (like this: XXXXXXXXXXXX4787). But I want to set my own masking rules (say mask only the first 4 digits). How can I do this?

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Sorry, the database write routine dictates the masking. VISA/MasterCard PCI rules and all.

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Sorry, I found out that we can switch the masking off using Store Operations Manager. It's like this:

File --> Configuration --> Options Tab --> General Options --> Mask Credit Card Number.

We can check or uncheck this > Srikanth,

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