refreshdisplay hook not activated by deleting entry???

I have a custom add-in that is triggered by the refreshdisplay hook. The add-in applies a discount to an accessory if there is also a phone on the transaction entry screen. This add-in works great as items are added to the screen, however it is not triggered when an item is deleted off the screen. The problem this causes is that someone can place a phone on the transaction, then add an accessory and since the phone is there, the accessory is discounted, then they can delete the phone off the transaction, and the accessory stays at its discounted price.

is there a better way to trigger this code other than refreshdisplay, so that i can do what I need here with the discount piece?

thank you, kevin

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RefreshDisplay Hook The RefreshDisplay hook is activated whenever any change occurs on the transaction screen.

big documentation..

Why hook for discount? It's correct to make a kit that customers can buy .. I apply discount (through hook) to current transaction before tender screen..


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Antonio Mazzeo

I might just have to use the tenderbegin hook to make sure that the discount isn't given out when it's not supposed to. Creating kits isn't an option because there are so many different combinations of phone and accessory that it would be too difficult to manage all of the kits and add new ones as needed

thanks Ant> >

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Hi Kevin.. do you receive my mail in new email address? Yesterday after 4 hours I receive a message from server with warning of delivery..

Anyway do you solve problem of your hook? I think that with RefreshDisplay is more expensive for POS register.. Your hook must verify each items of transaction ..

The ideal thing would be hooks specialized for item that send message with reference to transaction entry and type of event (insert, update, delte)

sorry for english antonio

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Antonio Mazzeo

Hi Antonio - no i did not get your email message, I am not sure why your emails are not making through to me...

I will send you a copy of my code as I have it in my project so you can get an idea of what it is i'm trying to do with this particular customization


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