Validation error 331: The tender amount or change is incorrect

I have a custom process button the that tenders a transaction for a unique payment method. Towards the end of the process I get the 331 error. Here is an example of my totals:

Subtotal $77.94 Tax $6.61 Shipping $15.00 Total $99.45 Tender amount $99.45

My tender amount and total are the same. What could be gifing me the error?

Here is a snippet of my code:

Public Class Program

Public Function Process(ByVal session As Object) As Boolean


Dim transaction As Object

transaction = session.Transaction

If Not transaction.IsOrder Then

MsgBox("There is no order available to proceed")

Return False

End If

If transaction.OrderClosed Then

MsgBox("Order is closed")

Return False

End If

If transaction.TransactionType 2 Then

MsgBox("Transaction can be performed just on work order")

Return False

End If

Dim orderTotal As Double

orderTotal = transaction.Total

Dim orderID As Integer

orderID = transaction.OrderID

Dim webService As New NwsWebService.SyncService()

Dim response As NwsWebService.WebServiceResponse

Dim userName As String

Dim password As String

Dim rk As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey

rk = Nothing


rk Microsoft.Win32.Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\Tawny\WebStore\Sy ncService", False)

userName = rk.GetValue("WSU")

password = rk.GetValue("WSP")

webService.Url = rk.GetValue("Url")

Catch e As Exception

MsgBox("Exception was trown: " + e.Message)

Return False


If Not rk Is Nothing Then


End If

End Try


response = webService.ProcessOrder(userName, password, orderID, orderTotal)

Catch e As Exception


Return False

End Try

If response Is Nothing Then

MsgBox("Tawny RMS Web Service is unavailable")

Return False

End If

If response.Result = 0 Then

If response.PaymentProcessorResponse.Result = 0 Then

MsgBox("Customer is charged " + orderTotal.ToString())


MsgBox("Payment processor answer: " + response.PaymentProcessorResponse.RespMSG)

Return False

End If



Return False

'MsgBox("Execution continues for test purposes")

End If

Dim tenderAmountIn As Double

tenderAmountIn = transaction.OrderBalance 'orderTotal - transaction.DepositTotal ' transaction.OrderBalance

transaction.TenderDefault.AmountIn = tenderAmountIn

MsgBox("Order total: " + orderTotal.ToString() + " Balance: " + tenderAmountIn.ToString())

Dim preTenderValidateResult As Integer

preTenderValidateResult = transaction.PreTenderValidate()

MsgBox("PreTenderValidate result code: " + preTenderValidateResult.ToString())


Dim transactionPostResult As Integer

transactionPostResult = transaction.Post(session.Cashier.ID)

MsgBox("Transaction Post result code: " + transactionPostResult.ToString())

Dim postTenderValidateResult As Integer

postTenderValidateResult = transaction.PostTenderValidate()

MsgBox("PostTenderValidate result code: " + postTenderValidateResult.ToString())






Return True

Catch globalException As Exception

MsgBox("Exception thrown: " + globalException.Message)

End Try

End Function

End Class

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