Viewing Reports Causes Processor to Overload

I am running RMS 1.2 (SP2) and am experiencing performance issues when running standard reports. When I go into Store Operations Manager then Reports/Customer/List I click OK and the report generates itself. When I move the cursor/magnifying glass over any of the records (or the report itself), the processor on the machine I am on will stay at 90%+ and the macine will grind to a halt. If I move the cursor to another position on the screen (say the taskbar) or pull up a different window and make it active (say Word) the processor goes down to normal (99% Idle). I have confirmed that this is happening on all the computers I have RMS installed on (both XP and 2003). I even experience this on dual processor systems.

I did some looking up and feel that it might have something to do with the Active Reports feature built in to RMS? Has anyone else experienced this? If so, is there a fix available or a way to disable the Active Report feature?

Thank you for any help!

John Bennett

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Yep, happens here too on 1.2.0189.

Its not hurting anything, just move your cursor. Why would want to disable it? Its just waiting for you to do something.

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I am running RMS on a Windows 2003 Terminal Server which hosts multiple users and also serves other applications. When a user runs a report out of RMS and leave his cursor on it or if the report is the top window on his screen, it brings all the other users to a screeching halt in other applications.



"Jeff" wrote:

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Ah, one of those gotchas in a unsupported environment again.

Better ask Ted Archer, that posted here this week about running RMS in an TS environment, to see if he solved it.

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