withdraw your money from RBScot and NatWest- fast!

That's old news and is there any evidence the merger was done to prevent Staffordshire going "down the tubes"?

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Yup. Labour will make people who work pay for the lifestyles of those who sit on their fat arses all day. Similarly, they'll make the prudent and careful subsidise the spendthrift and reckless.

Welcome to our planet.


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M Holmes

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Er, you mean they didn't do it for the good of their health - and our wealth?

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Council Tax arrears don't affect your credit rating, as they are dealt with in the Magistrates Court, not the County Court.

If a bank or building society that offered current accounts was to go bust, and it wasn't nationalised or the account immediately transferred to another bank like all the UK registered banks that have gone bust so far, then direct debits, like all other types of withdrawal would be frozen.

This however, looks like it is unlikely to happen.

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Jonathan Bryce

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I mean that there weren't forced into it because they were totally broke. It was a strategic merger to make one larger organisation out of two smaller ones.

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>>> That's old news and is there any evidence the merger was done to >>> prevent Staffordshire going "down the tubes"? >>>

Oh, right! Not *totally* broke, so that's OK.

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