Continued use of Q2004 Deluxe features requires Premier 2007?

Am I correct in concluding that the investment management activities available in Q2004Deluxe are only available in the Premier product in

2007? I thought I had answered that question for myself (answer being yes) until I looked at the demos on Quicken's website. The demo for 2007 Deluxe mentions downloading investment transactions--so what does it do with them if not allow you to manage the investments?

Thanks for the advice. I've been very happy with 2004 and am not looking forward to the upgrade, but if I have no choice, I guess I'll drink the koolaid.

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"DonnaH" wrote

While I don't know the answer to your question, I must say that your question is one of the most difficult to answer with any significant degree of accuracy.

There are not that many Quicken users who have multiple Quicken versions for the same year ... so what would be the source of the information you seek?

(Based on my personal experience, and my reading of Intuit blurbs, and other user's responses: I doubt that your concern is justified. But I clearly can not give you any comfort about my suspicions.)

I think your adverse anticipation is unwarranted since you have no personal knowledge of the product ... again, it is a personal opinion. Still, I can't understand why you have such an adverse disposition to a product you have not used ... and can use for

60 days for free.
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John Pollard

Are there any users of Quicken 2007 Deluxe who can say whether they're able to download their investment transactions and view/track their entire portfolio (stock prices, account performance, etc.)as was do-able in 2004 Deluxe?

Your point about the trial period is well-taken, I should've considered that and will go that route, thanks. As far as my adverse anticipation, I think it comes from reading this newsgroup and most people's experiences with the upgrade experience!

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"DonnaH" wrote

Trouble is, the comments about problems with Quicken only represent the views/experiences of those having problems ... it's not a very representative cross section of users or experiences. The number/importance of the problems does not seem to change appreciably for different versions of Quicken: check back on the comments about Q2004. And the problems areas are a shrinking target; as newer releases come out for each version, many early problems get fixed.

I think each individual should make a personal evaluation: if a feature has a problem, but you don't use the feature ... it's not a problem for you; if a feature is added, but you don't use the feature, it's not a benefit to you.

And some things just boggle the mind; there are users who have reported returning Q2007 for their money back because they could not stand the color teal.

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John Pollard

Did you ever get a useful reply for this?

In the same boat with wanting the investment features of 2004 deluxe but not wanting to have to purchase the premium of 2007.

D> Am I correct in concluding that the investment management activities

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All versions, including Basic, have downloading capability. Have been a Basic user for several versions [currently running QW07 Dlx] and would ventur to say that all versions have the very same downloading capability as regards investments, banking, credit cards, etc.

As to 'managing' your investments - this depends on your definition of 'managing'. The versions beyond Basic incorporate add-ons - various planners, investment analysis tools, expanded reporting capability, etc. These add-ons [bells & whistles] probably help some users better manage their finances. Personally, I have never found them useful.

As mentioned earlier, there is amoney-back guarantee if not satisfied. Another alternative is to start with say Deluxe and then you can upgrade/unlock [online] a higher version for an incremental charge.

IMHO - have to be careful interpreting the comparison adds - they are hyping the more expensive versions where margins are no doubt much better. Have found Basic or Deluxe handles everything I need.

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No one who had used 2004 Deluxe responded, but the point about the free trial was useful. Also, when I ultimately bought 2007 Premier at Staples, the sales rep I chatted with confirmed that it was necessary for the portfolio 'management' activities that 2004 Deluxe was capable of.

Having said that, I was quite happy with the upgrade experience and have been using 2007 Premier for a few weeks now. No complaints.

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